35th Anniversary - Honor Among Thieves

Das brillante erste Album der Brandos, "Honor Among Thieves", wird heute 35 Jahre alt.
Relativity Records veröffentlichte am 19. August 1987 das Album auf LP, Kassette und CD. Aufgenommen wurde das Album zwischen Mai 1986 und Februar 1987.
The Hard Report schreib in seiner Ausgabe # 42 vom 21. August 1987:
The Brandos - "Honor Among Thieves", Relativity
"Haven't heard "Gettyburg" yet? Then you've missed the best track from a new band on an indie label this year - and at the rate I can't stop rewinding, one of my very favorite tracks from anybody, period. It's just that magic combination of gripping lyrics, killer harmonies and laser accurate guitar punctuation that I know will slay the audience. Whoda thunk a song about the Civil War by a band on Relativity would make a run for the roses - but mark our words, The Brandos will stand as one of this year's biggest and brightest new acts in six months. Need further proof of their genius? Listen to "Honor Among Thieves", "Nothing To Fear", "Walking On The Water" - and you'll have a hard time taking it off your turntable."