Los Brandos - Extended 16-Track Single
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Eine absolute Rarität! Die 16-Track CD "Los Brandos - Extended Single" mit vielen bislang unveröffentlichten Aufnahmen, welche nicht im freien Handel erhältlich ist, kann auf eBay nun erworben werden.
Viele der Brandos-Fans fragen immer wieder nach der neuen Extended Single-CD mit handverlesenen und seltenen Aufnahmen der Brandos aus über 30 Jahren Bandgeschichte. Diese wurde exklusiv für die Unterstützer der Crowd-Funding-Kickstarter-Kampagne zur Finanzierung des Albums „Los Brandos“ produziert und wird leider nicht im freien Handel erhältlich sein.
Aufgrund der großen Nachfrage von Fans, wie sie einen nachträglichen Beitrag zur Kickstarter-Kampagne leisten können, gibt es nun die einmalige Chance dieses handsignierte Sammlerstück mit vielen bislang unveröffentlichten Aufnahmen auf eBay unter diesem Link zu erwerben. Ein absolutes Juwel.
Auf dem Back-Cover schreibt Dave Kincaid:
"And here it is, after such a long wait, something we hope you'll find to be very special. Searching deep into the archives, we found some surprising, unexpexted gems - things long buried and forgotten, but wich will now see the proverbial "light of day". Among them, a live recording from 1987 at the legendary CBGB club in New York City, featuring the original line of Dave Kincaid, Ernie Mendillo, Ed Rupprecht an Larry Mason, and done just a couple of months before our debut album release. This featured songs we haven't played in years, and never released on any other live album. Also found was an encore tune from a 1993 show in Hamburg, an unplugged show in the Netherlands in 1996 (with Frank Giordano), and one from the Irish Volunteer Tour in 2004, featuring Chris Layer on the Uilleann Pipes. Another cover tune, Otis Redding's "Love Man", recorded as a B-side back in 2007, is included here. And of course the first two tracks from the latest album, "Los Brandos".
Some of the live recordings are a little raw, having been recorded for the most part directly from the live sound consoles onto cassette tapes (anybody remember those..?). The live sound engineers (who names I'm afraid I don't know), did a nice job, and while those recordings can't be remixed, after transferring them into the digital system we were able to bring them to life.
It was a lot of fun compiling these rare, previously unreleased recordings for you - you the very special people whose support made our most recent album possible. You have our undying gratitude. Please sit back and enjoy this collection, spanning our more than thirty-year career. We hope you'll be with us for the next thirty..."